This method isnt anything new. And it has nothing innovative in it. All it is, is a step by step guide on how to profit from yahoo answers. Even its only $10 a day, it gives you an idea how to write sales letters, how to pitch products. And a whole bunch of other skills that can be moved to other parts of IM. Most of this guide is about using Yahoo Answers, but you can take some of what i say in here and use it elsewhere. So just read on.
Signup For A CPA Network
The first thing you need to do is signup to a CPA Network. It actually doesnt have to be a pure CPA network, but it has to have something you can market.Clickbank is fine, so is Commission Junction. Both are pretty much instant approval so you dont have to worry about a phone call or being questioned by your AM all the time.
Those are easy ones for begineers to get accepted to.
Create Yahoo Accounts
Go to and create a mail account.
Go to and create a yahoo answers account. It’s just an addon profile for your mail account anyway.
Be sure to add an avatar to your account. With everything in the BlackHat world. You want to keep a low profile and not look suspicious. Keeping everything default means either you are lazy, or your an idiot. Take your pick. So choose an avatar, dress him up all proper like. And choose a correct name for your account. Not something like “Buy Acai Here Ploz”. Make it something like “Gary” or “Julia”. Something legit.
Go to and create a yahoo answers account. It’s just an addon profile for your mail account anyway.
Be sure to add an avatar to your account. With everything in the BlackHat world. You want to keep a low profile and not look suspicious. Keeping everything default means either you are lazy, or your an idiot. Take your pick. So choose an avatar, dress him up all proper like. And choose a correct name for your account. Not something like “Buy Acai Here Ploz”. Make it something like “Gary” or “Julia”. Something legit.
You will more then likely want to repeat this step 5 or so times. Getting a couple of accounts ready incase of banning, or if you have alot of time on your hands. To rotate through accounts.
Collect Offers
Depending on which networks you are in. You may have to wait to go any further until you are accepted. Or you can power ahead with something like clickbank. Either way you need to pick a product to market that is either cheap/free or markets well to a younger audience.
Anyone can do Internet Marketing. Anyone can grind a profit from it. But how much you profit all depends on how well you can engage your audience with good offers. Offers they cant refuse!
For the purpose of this write up. Ill use a mafia wars guide. This is something incredibly popular online. And almost everyone knows what mafia wars is. Failing that, you can pick some sort of submit that also gels well with an online audience. Maybe free work from home offers etc.
Once you have a couple of offers you want to run. Copy your link into a text file. For clickbank this means your hoplink. For CPA networks this means… Well i dunno what to call it. But you know what i mean
Go to somewhere like and shorten each of your links intoREADABLE links. If a user is typing in your link, he or she shouldnt have to double check the spelling. If we were promoting a mafia wars guide, we would want our link to be NOT
Write these shortened links next to the actual offer links in your text file. Ofcourse you should also write up what offers they are for if you cant remember
. If at all possible, maybe chuck them into a spreadsheet to keep everything neat.
Collect Keywords
Next we need to collect keywords. How do we get them? The best way is to use your head. Just think up ones off the top of your head that you would possibly use when searching something about that product. For a mafia wars guide, it would be
“Mafia wars guide”
“get gold in mafia wars”
“rich in mafia wars”
“how do i mafia wars”
“get gold in mafia wars”
“rich in mafia wars”
“how do i mafia wars”
And, well, you get it. Write these all into a text file with one on each line. Ontop of that, go to And type in some of your phrases. This tool will get you some extra keywords. Sometimes these keywords have nothing to do with your original phrase, so ignore these. But every now and again it comes up with a gem, add this to your text file of keywords. Dont worry about the search counts, those arent important for this method.
For this method, you will need the answer me software developed by yours truly.You can download it for free here.
This software is incredibly useful for inputting large keyword lists, and getting massive amounts of yahoo questions back. The reason we use a piece of software to grab us the questions, instead of doing it manually. Is because at times when we do it manually, there is only a couple of questions per keyword. And searching for each and every one can be incredibly time consuming.
This software is incredibly useful for inputting large keyword lists, and getting massive amounts of yahoo questions back. The reason we use a piece of software to grab us the questions, instead of doing it manually. Is because at times when we do it manually, there is only a couple of questions per keyword. And searching for each and every one can be incredibly time consuming.
Once you have the software, open it up and load in your keyword list. Also tick the checkbox for auto remove.
Set the delay to 60 minutes, because it isnt important here. Although this can come in handy later, it is outside the scope of this.
Set the delay to 60 minutes, because it isnt important here. Although this can come in handy later, it is outside the scope of this.
Off We Go
Open up whichever is your default browser. Either chrome, firefox, IE , it doesnt matter. Go to and login to your account.
Press start on the Answer Me application. Your questions should begin flooding in. Depending on your list size it can take a while for them to all come in, but should only take a couple of minutes at the most. Once you think its finished. You can just press stop (This wont close the application, just stop the grabbing of answers in the future).
Press start on the Answer Me application. Your questions should begin flooding in. Depending on your list size it can take a while for them to all come in, but should only take a couple of minutes at the most. Once you think its finished. You can just press stop (This wont close the application, just stop the grabbing of answers in the future).
Now all you need to do, is double click one of the questions in the data grid view. And it will open up in your browser. Because of the magic of web cookies, you will already be logged in and ready to answer away.
The rest of this section should probably come as no suprise. Answer questions, stick in your link either in the post or in the source (Almost like your signature), and keep on going.
The rest of this section should probably come as no suprise. Answer questions, stick in your link either in the post or in the source (Almost like your signature), and keep on going.
Yahoo Answers Tips
- Answer questions even if it means you cant slip in your link. You dont need to use your link everytime (Atleast to begin with).
- Even if you can slip in your link. About 1/5 questions where you could have a link, leave it out.
- Every now and again include a link, but make it be a non referral link, or a link to a google results search page.
- After answering a question, “star” that question. You can then go back in a couple of days to your profile, and check your “starred” questions. Some should now be in the voting stage. And you can then vote yours as the best answer. Often one vote is all it takes (Not many people come back to vote answers). Once you have voted yours, you can “de-star” it. Meaning you can keep track of all ones that are yet to be voted on.
- At the beginning, you dont want to answer more then 5 – 10 questions per day, per account. Have a bunch of accounts and rotate them in.
- Dont answer the same question twice, even with different accounts. Apparently they do track IP’s. However you can have multiple accounts, just not all pummeling the same question!
- Write your answers out everytime. Dont use copy paste answers. It only takes 20 seconds to write it out once you have it in your head.
Where To Begin, Where To Take It
As a side note. I would like to encourage you to get into a CPA network. I know when i was beginning out, if you get ONE lead, you are usually super happy with that, and you feel like your a pro. Even if its 1 dollar submit. Same with you getting ONE sale from clickbank. But it could take you a week to get a clickbank sale, in which time you may have already given up. Starting on CPA gives you results almost immediately, even if they are only low paid.
Once you get good with this method. Its advisable to start buying real domains, it makes you look 10x more legit.
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