Sunday, July 24, 2011

Get a Facebook DoFollow Link

Here goes a method how to get a Facebook Do Follow link.
You all will have noticed that usually Facebook uses do not follow right? Well you can get a do follow link by going to
Create a profile, wait for some time and then drop your link in your profile.

Another Free $100 AdWords Voucher

Hopefully someone could make good use of it
Redeem this $100 coupon code
to try AdWords today: 4W2U-FFRH-YVX2-PCNQ-4CJ2

AdBrite tricks to make $1000 per month

Create a 3 pages website. You can use any basic HTML website builder to design this site or Hire some one to make this for you at $5-$10.
Make sure the website should be vary attractive Home page and it redirect the visitor to visit the other two pages. You can post funny images or Any funny videos or use what ever your own creativity.
As per Adbrite you can make 6 ad spaces in one page. so You have 3 pages create 18 adspaces.Choose for both CPM and CPC ads.
Now disable “auto approve ads button ” for all ads. And set the price $10
per CPM.
Choose a .com domain name for your site and Make a good description on the adbrite ad page with a long list of keywords that drive more advertisers to your site.
When all your adzones activated. Send some ( there are a lots of site for this ) junk traffic to your site and buy a package of million visitors at $40 for 1 month.
Now use any of the alexa rank building software to increse your alexa rank or buy a $30 package from improvealexaranking (dot ) com . In $30 they will make your alexa rank between top 500 with in one month.
Now at the end of the month your alexa ranking will be between 500 and you have millions of visitors to your site.
As you have the high alexa rank and you have more then million visitors so you will get a lots of ads from different advertisers.
Now You will see there a lots of ads on your adbrite pending list. Choose the all high CPM ads and Approve them.
Now you again buy a $40 package for the next month and you will
10*100 =$1000 on the end of the second month from impressions.
You can also use any random adclicker with some private proxies to maximize your click through rate.

How to make money with Amazon

Step by step guide on how to make money with Amazon.
Keyword research
This is the most important step! It doesn’t matter how well you do the other steps if you don’t do this right you will just fail. I use market samurai for my keyword research, it’s a great program and I definitely suggest you get it.
Anyway lets get started whit the keyword research. So we are promoting amazon products, I suggest you browse their site for a while, see what they are selling and you will notice that they are pretty much selling everything! This is great for us since every product has more than 1 keyword so that gives us more than enough keywords to choose from. Now let me explain what I mean with every product has more than 1 keyword.
Lets say we want to sell a digital camera. There are alot of keywords that people search for when buying a digital camera: Digital camera, Digital camera with optical zoom, 4 inch Digital camera, black Digital camera, underwater Digital camera, wide angle Digital camera, etc ( You can hit Generate Keywords in Market samurai and it will come up with all these keywords for you ). So there are loads of different keywords that people search for when buying a digital camera, and it’s our job to find that 1 perfect keyword.
When choosing a keyword you want to look at 3 things: Competition, Searches, Price.
Market samurai has 2 great functions: SEOC ( amount of sites that have the keyword on their page ) and SEOTC ( amount of sites that have the keyword in their title ).
These are great functions when looking at your competition, I use both of them but I tend to give SEOTC a bit more value.
As a rough standard I only choose keywords with less than 75K SEOC and 25k SEOTC, and ofcourse the lower the score the better the keyword. I give more value to SEOTC than SEOC. So when a keyword has 80k SEOC and 10k SEOTC, I will check that one out.


This kinda depends on the product your promoting. If you are promoting a $50 product you want more searches than when your promoting a $500 product.
But again if you want a rough standard I would say go for 1000+ EXACT searches a month. It’s very important that you look at the exact searches and not the broad or phrase searches.
I will suggest you only promote products on amazon that cost $50+. So no cd’s, ebooks or anything of that unless you can get huge amount of targeted visitors.

Things to look for when doing keyword research:

- Exact match domain: Exact match domain is great! What do I mean with exact match domain? Well if your keyword is ‘outdoor bbq set’ and you can buy the domain: than you have the exact match domain.
I would always suggest buying the exact domain name when possible because google give alot of value to this.
Things to avoid when doing keywords research:
- Product names ( example: canon mp250 ): There are 2 major problems if you pick a product name as keyword:
1). Most people who search the product name already own the product and are looking for product information.
Type ‘canon mp250′ in google and you will see that next few searches are: Canon mp250 driver, software, ink, manual.
All of the people who search this already own a canon mp250 and are not looking to buy one from you.
2). It’s most likely that the company of the product already dominates the SERP for the product name and it won’t be easy to beat them on their own company name.
In this case ranks for the first 3 results on ‘canon mp250′
The site
If you got a keyword with the exact match domain than you should definitely get it! If not I would still suggest you buy a domain with the keyword in it.
I’m not gonna talk to much on page SEO here altough it’s very important. So if you dont know how to optimize your site for a keyword I strongly suggest you read a guide about this.
But just make sure your site has a decent keyword density, and your keyword is atleast once in your title & description.
When I start a site I alway want atleast 3 articles on it. I suggest your write them yourself or have a very good writer do this for you.
These are the article I always start with, I took the product wireless printer as an example:
- A general article about wireless printers: why you need it, why its so much better than wired aprinter.
- Best 3 wireless printers: 3 short reviews about the 3 best wireless printers.
- What to look for when buying a wireless printer: a simple buyers guide so people get more comfortable buying it straight away on the internet.
You can also add more article based on subkeywords like:
- Wireless printer review
- Wireless printer for ipad
And than build links to these pages and get them ranked.
The goal of your site is to get as much visitors to click your amazon link. Here are a couple of tricks I use to do this:
- Buy now buttons: I don’t know what it is but people love to click buttons. I use this button on the Best 3 products article and it works great! 
- Make all product pictures clickable and link them to amazon: People also love the click pictures, use this to get them on amazon.
- Text links in your article: this seems kinda simple but there are alot of sneaky ways to get people on amazon with simple text links.
For example in the Best 3 products article I always put a short feature list and at the end I put: Click here for more features ( link to amazon ). And this seems to work great!
Link building
I will show you the exact link strategy that I use to get my sites ranked.
I think this pretty much speaks for itself. But I will still explain everything for the people who want to know more on how to build these links.
Web 2.0 sites: These are sites like: hubpages, devhub, jimdo etc. Where you can create you own blog and post your spun article with a link to your site. There are a couple of programs that can automate this for you ( senuke ) but they require a monthly fee, if you don’t want to pay this you can just create them manually. I useally build around 10 web 2.0 site’s.
Bookmarks: You can use Bookmarkingdemon or autopligg for this. I useally build around 30 verified bookmarks. I don’t think bookmark links give that much value, but it’s nice to have some diversity in your link building.
Profiles: You can use xrumer or senuke to build profiles with a link to your site. In the first month I don’t want to create to much links to my site, so I only create 500 verified profiles. If I do a second blast I useally do more.
Articles: These are spun articles I submit to article directories and they have 2 links at the bottom on the article, 1 link to my site and 1 link to a web 2.0 site. I useally blast around 200 verified articles.

Scrapebox comments
: I blast around 20k comments to the web2.0 sites and the articles. I don’t do scrapebox blast to my site in the first month because of the risk of getting sandboxed.

New Link Structure that is producing results

In order to understand this link structure, you will need to have basic info on the following.
1. WEB 2.0 Sites.
2. Profile Sites
3. Social Bookmarking
4. RSS Feeds
5. ScrapeBox Commenting (Optional)

The problem
 with most of us is that we do all this individually and once we create a backlink we just leave it as it is.
What we should do?
Add MORE Value to those backlinks that we create.
How do we do that?
Add more supporting backlinks to the backlink that you create.
For example, lets look at WEB 2.0 Sites.
There are numerous web 2.0 sites.
To name a few,
A typical person would just write an article and once it is posted with his anchor text backlink, he is satisfied and thinks that the job is done.
Yeah, it is done. But really you should make your backlink more valuable.
Add numberous links to the backlink.
Here is a picture, for better understanding.
Circles represents profile links.
Linking Method
1. Create a tumblr post. (Grab the url of the post)
2. Create profile links (around 10 profile links for that tumblr post)
- Rem that DON’T overspam profile links. JUST 2 links per profile. Hint: You can have one link pointing to Tumblr while the other point to another Web 2.0 property. Best practice: Find your own profile links.
3. Social bookmark every single profile link. Social bookmark the tumblr post.
4. Create a RSS of your profile links and send it to RSS can create a feed from almost any site. This had been mentioned numerous times. google should help too.
5. Blog commenting – Use scrapebox. set the name to genuine names and spin some good comments and do a blast on all the links created. Profile Links & Web 2.0 property.
Even tho, it is just a single site that is pointing to your site. It has value and google likes valuable links instead of overly spammed blog comments.
Too much work?
Yeah. But there are automated tools.
I am thinking of creating my own automated tool and releasing too.
It would do the whole job in a click. REALLY in a click.
But, i am not that good with BOTS yet. Anyone wanna join me? PM Me.
Alternatively, you can outsource the work.
There are people in 3rd world countries where they are willing to do the whole work for $10-$15 excluding article writing.

Get traffic from google through digg in 1h

Lets say you have a blog post you want to promote.
1 Make a research before, and find two good searched long keywords appropriate to your blog post story.(if you want your traffic to convert)
2 Go to digg and submit your post and in the title put your first long keyword and in the description your other l. keyword
3.Thats it.No need to share your story with friends (even this is better for long term and to reciev traffic from digg to).
Afther one hour search you keyword and you should see it in the first page of google (if it’s a competitiv long keyword probably on second page, or third)
You should see in your g analytics traffic from digg but basicly is from google