Monday, January 17, 2011

Backlinks from the top 45 sites

Backlinks from the top 45 sites
  1. Google.comget in the directory
  2. Adobe.comfollowed forum links
  3. If you cant figure out how to get a link on blogspot, give up now.
  4. Yahoo.comjoin the directory
  5. Youtube.comCreate your own channel
  6. Add it, it will be nofollowed, but still worth it.
  7. Newsletter Auto-Linking
  8. Facebook.comFacebook Apps (check out the retailer icons)
  9. WordPress.orgWrite a Good Plugin (Author Homepage)
  10. If you can’t figure out how to get a link on myspace, you need to give up on SEO.
    Check out the link to gamespot on this page.
  11. Microsoft.comAmapedia FTW
  12. Macromedia.comGet Mentioned, hard link to get
  13. Create a Blog, If you can’t figure out how to get a link on, you need to give up on SEO.
  14. Add and Edit a Comment
    Create a comment with a link in it like this… <a rel=”follow” href=””>text</a>. Flickr will add a nofollow after the HREF, but the rel=”follow” will already have been parsed. Sneaky, eh?
  15. StatCounter.comMember profile Contact Info
  16. : Good luck
  17. Msn.comMovies Search Results
  18. Apple.comGet Written About. Yeah, this one is tough.
  19. AOL.comPropeller cross-domain. Now that is clever!
  20. Map Listings
  21. Sourceforge.netForum Profile Pages
  22. NYtimes.comIt never ceases to amaze me what spammers can find.
  23. Feedburner.comFeed Links Count.
  24. CNN.comCreate a Fan Nation Blog
  25. Free.frCreate a Site
  26. If you don’t know how to get a link from tripod, you need to give up on SEO.
  27. Create a blog on Windows Live Spaces
  28. Go.comCreate a Sports Nation Fan Blog
  29. Only nofollows from forum links.
  30. Create a Blog
  31. PHPbb.comSignature Links
  32. Go Popular. Write fantastic content and get on the homepage of Digg to get PR flowing links.
  33. technorati.comSite Reactions Pages and others
  34. (now mentioned on the blog
  35. php.netBecome a Mirror
  36. imdb.commake a movie or documentary
  37. about.comfollowed links in the forums
  38. ebay.comuser pages have followed links
  39. rambler.ruforum links followed
  40. blogger.comGet into the “Blogs I follow”
  41. fc2.comBlog
  42. joomla.orgfollowed links in the forum
  43. google.deDirectory
  44. creativecommons.orgTry installing ccHost and mentioning your installation
  45. Mysql.comForge Comments


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