Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to Get Mad Rankings in Google

Check out some of the rankings I have gotten using these methods.
“Online Advertising” #2 in Google out of 609 mill- Webtraffic2night.com
“Website Promotion” #9 out of 6.7 million- Webtraffic2night.com
“Mini Split” #1 in Google out of 4.5 million- Justminisplits.com
“Ductless Mini Split” #1 Google out of 4.5 million-Justminisplits.com
“Private Jet” #4 Google out of 4 million- JScharter.com
“Aircraft Charter” #2 Google out of 1 million- JScharter.com
I have a bunch more but you get the point. Anyways, below is the exact method that I use to get these types of rankings.
Onsite SEO
As much as people try to diminish the value of onsite optimization I believe it makes up for 30-40% of overall importance with SEO. So take your time and do it right. Below are some of the things I do to make sure my site is pimped out and ready for some Google loving.
- Make sure your meta tags are proper…duh
- H1/H2 ect. I have read that a lot about H tags not meaning anything, but I still whore them out
- Use lots of keyword rich content on your site. I always put the most important stuff above the fold and articles and most content below the fold.
- Stuff the shit out of your alt tags. Try to make the keywords in the alt tags correspond to the adjacent content and are relevant
- Try to use simple html. Believe it or not most of my sites where built in front page. No flash, no crap, just juicy html for Google to molest.
- I always put an outbound link to an authority page on my site. Usually I hide it at the bottom of the site, but not always.
Before I start back linking I usually submit the site to Google Webmaster Tools. they give you a simple tool to add to your site. Once it is accepted I then submit the site map to Google through their tools. Anytime I update my blog content or anything for that matter I update the sitemap.
**There are other cool tools in Google Webmaster. Poke around it is FREE.
My methods for getting high rankings
OK, so I am going to skip the whole keyword research end of this cause I am going to assume you all know how to do keyword research. Now this method is for going after highly competitive terms, but of course it works with low competitive and or long tailed keywords just the same. Usually what I do is I pick 10 competitive keywords that I want to go after. More on how I get long tails later in the post.
Back linking Methods I Use
**You can do these in any order, or you can follow my order.
- First thing I do is order a bunch of submission directories. If you can find someone that can do niche relevant directories even better, but not necessary. Make sure to spin your anchor text and titles ect.
- Next I look at the top 2 competitors for each keyword using Market Samurai. I then use the anchor text and pr module to see where they are getting their back links from. I then scrape the list and send them to one of my outsourcers to scour and try to find anywhere they can post a link.
- I join relevant forums and contribute. I take the top keyword and drop it in my sig file. Another nice tactic I use is I look up a question I might ask in whatever niche I am in. I then try to find a forum where someone is asking that question. It can also be Yahoo Answers or a site similar also. I then inconspicuously drop my link with a “hey I just bought a 12,000 BTU mini split fromwww.justminisplits.com and it rocks”. Obviously be more convincing, but trust me I still get sales from thread like this.
- Here is my secret weapon. I use an article syndication network that absolutely kicks ass and it is only $29.99 per month for unlimited domains and articles. You can submit your article to their network and it is completely automated. You have to ad a simple script to your site, but it is so easy my grand mom can do it. So basically what it does is it builds out article on your site from other members and takes your article and throws them out onto other sites within the network.
This is powerful because one you can use multiple anchor text (up to 3 keywords) and two; these are real websites and blogs, and not directories so Google absolutely gives it all kinds of love.
You can sign up for Ez Article Link (mod edit – no ref links plz)
**They are pretty strict about the articles so don’t be trying to push shit through there. They proof all their articles and want only quality.
That is about it. I do an occasional link wheel, press release, and other back linking methods just to change it up here and there too, but the above is my main methods.

OK here is one way I use the EZ Article link to rank long tails on my blog.
1) I use Google Keyword Tool, and Google Suggestion Tool, and try to get a list of 3K to 5K niche relative keywords. If you have other ways to compile a list go for it.
2) I then throw them into excel and organize them by search volume. I then get rid of anything that does not get a local search volume of at least 300. **This will trim your list pretty good. **Use the sort function in Excel to make your life way easier.
3) Next I pull out Market Samurai and use the ranking Tool to find what keywords from my list are ranking high with social network sites, article directories, video sites ect. With my list of websites I can see for example if a keyword is ranking high with an Ezine article or a video on YouTube.
I then put export this info back into excel and sort by highest to lowest rank for that particular website. So if say “instant car loan” is ranked #1 with an Ezine article it will be sorted to the top. Another key factor is with Market Samurai you can see how many backlinks are pointing to that article/blog site/video.
Once you have this data you can do all kinds of stuff with it. You can submit articles to Ezine Articles. You can create videos. It is endless.
This is what I do though. I take the list I made in excel and I have an article written with the same keyword in the title, and saturated throughout the content. I then post the article on my blog adding the tags and recently using BobbyLoves misspell method. After that I take the URL to the post (i.e.- yourwebsite.com/how_to_stop_your_dog_from_going_to_the_bathroom_in side.htm). I So if the keyword is “Stop your dog from going to the bathroom inside”, I make sure that I use it for all 3 anchor text which EZ Article Link allows.
I have got ranking for some pretty decent keywords in a matter of days using this method.


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